Tuesday, 27 September 2011


The play can be looked upon as a tragic ritualistic one. The playwright, Wole Soyinka had tried his maximum to bring out the significance of rituals which prevailed once. Wole Soyinka tries to bring out the superstitious belief that exists in the minds of people. In every part of the world there exists a similar kind of ritualistic practices which we can see in this play.  
The plays begin with Sunma effort to convince Eman to leave the village before the New Year festival begins at night.  As she know the practice of his village is to select a stranger as a carrier to cleanse the village from it’s   sins and regain spiritual health for the following year. The play creates confusions at certain points through introduction of certain characters like the girl who has some disease.Sunma’s  character  seems   indigestible to  me. Her behaviour towards Ifada reveals her  true nature.This play  mainly deals with  some   serious incidence  which  provoke the readers  thoughts and make them think about such issues .
                 The story revolves around Eman  and  his bitter experience  in  the  village where he is Seen as a stranger. We may get  confused as there are flash backs in the play. Being a Nigerian , WoleSoyinka goes back to the roots in culture and rituals. This play has to be noted for the variety of theme. This play is a symbolic one.Eman comes from the line of strong breeds that are usually carriers. He sees the images of  his father and dead wife Omae.He had left his village for twelve years in search of a new destiny. He had to return because his father said they were born to be carriers and he couid not escape from his destiny. He tries to rehabilitate Ifada who is a young boy  who suffers from a uncurable disease.
                                             Sunma has been picturised  as a cruel character with harsh notions notions on Ifidan . She treats them both  badly.She treats the girl  as an embodiment of some evil. While Eman carries a generous attitude towards others and their sufferings.Sunma had tried to make Eman to go away from that village but her attempts fails.We can understand Eman as a teacher at the later stage.This play is a  fine example to show that how fate follows  a person  who  wants to change the previous one.Still  fate follows him wherever he goes and atlast he has to submit himself to that fate.
                                            We can  identify the character of Eman to Jesus Christ as they have to face death for a Similar reason.Simlarly  we can identify Eman with Oedipus whose fate followed him even though He tried to escape from it.Oedipus and Eman share a common trait at some point. Wole Soyinka tried  to  bring out the significance of  such  kind of rituals in this existing worid.Wole Soyinka gave Emphasis to tragic destiny of the hero.The motif of the play is ritual and he tries to bring out the After effect of such rituals.In my opinion rituals can be accepted only when they do not harm anyone.The whole play revolves around Eman and his journey to change his fate.What I felt after reading the play is that even if we try to change something the society will not allow it to happen so.


  1. hey sis its better than ur last blog

  2. This is a good blog post clearly outlining your ideas. I hope you can use some of these in your final paper.

  3. Thanks for that nice work,because it has helped me to really know what the book is about and gave to me others knowledge about Nigerian culture and ritual.

  4. it is appreciated to have ur participation. However, ur essay is not that well because u did not bring into light some very imortant items and u misunderstood some parts of the play .
